Introducing Wikilon

I have decided to move forward with a wiki-based development environment for Awelon project, under the name Wikilon. Wikilon will be implemented as a Haskell warp web service using acid-state for persistence and websockets for liveness and reactivity.

Wikilon can overcome several limitations that I feel to chafe in the current text-editor + console REPL environment. Because Wikilon will be a persistent web service, it can take much more advantage of incremental and persistent computation – e.g. recompute test results only when the definition of a word used by that test has changed. Wikilon can also serve as a much better platform for long-running behaviors, thus allowing me to move forward with reactive demand programming. Finally, a web browser provides a richer canvas than a console REPL, enabling me to pursue graphical outputs, animation of code execution, interactive programs, and embedded literal objects.

Before now, I’ve held off on developing a wiki-based development environment.

My hope was to bootstrap the language, and implement the web services in my own language. But it seems the further I get along with developing the AO dictionary, the further I have to go. There is an enormous amount of logic involved in warp, acid-state, filesystem IO, and the like. Rather than slogging through all that, I now feel Awelon project and my mental health would be better off were I to jump straight to visually entertaining applications, perhaps in the style of of tangible functions or Logo writer.

Bootstrapping can happen later.

Wikilon will be user-extensible, in the sense that developers can add new web services or web applications simply by defining new words in the AO dictionary. AO leverages ad-hoc naming conventions, e.g. words with prefix `test.` indicate tests that we should run. In this case, new web services might be installed by defining a word like `wikilon/foo` to process HTTP requests on the /foo path. It’s essentially an in-language variation of CGI. However, AO is much easier to secure than CGI, and also subject to partial evaluation (e.g. for a given set of query parameters). Eventually, these web services will provide upgraded interfaces for editing the wiki… and cross-compilation to stand-alone services or applications.

Wikilon shall still provide a REPL-like service, perhaps via websockets.

But I’d like to shift towards a more persistent, reactive testing environment, in a style akin to iPython notebook. As a developer edits definitions for words, they should be able to immediately observe the effects on whichever notes they’re viewing. A given note shall simply be another word in the dictionary, hanging around for anyone who wishes to view it. Similarly, all those `test.` words should be automatic without pressing any buttons, and ideally we should be able to visualize how test and note inputs interact with whichever words we’re editing.

(It could be useful to automatically generate and propose tests, e.g. based on observed failure cases.)

Wikilon’s persistence will make it a lot more scalable than my current approach of parsing the entire dictionary every time I start up the REPL. Granted, this isn’t difficult. But my current approach would easily scale to 10k words; even naively implemented, Wikilon should easily scale to a million. A single Wikilon instance might host thousands of projects and users. But rather than a ‘global’ wiki, I expect we’ll want private forks and DVCS-like push/pull relationships, with public wikis serving a role similar to hackage.

The idea of user programmable wikis isn’t new. But I believe AO is better suited for this role, e.g. with respect to security, portability, concurrency, and composition. AO was designed with wiki-based development in mind.

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3 Responses to Introducing Wikilon

  1. Pingback: Logarithmic History v3 | Awelon Blue

  2. Pingback: Extensible Syntax for Awelon Project | Awelon Blue

  3. Pingback: Wikilon Dictionary Applications | Awelon Blue

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